What's Ninite? Why do people use it? | Up-To-Date


Asistan Moderatör
28 Mar 2020

Suppose you buy a new computer or format it in its current form, one of the big problems is "How do I transfer my programs?" happens usually. Just like the blessing we have dealt with on this subject, the program works just like that. Thanks to this program, you can install more than one program with a single installation. Fast and pocket-sized.


~ Usage ~


Our program is not only excellent, but also extremely simple to use. All you have to do is go to Ninite.com and choose what hundreds of programs want. Then you need to press the magic button just below that says ~ Get Your Ninite ~.

Let's say I formatted it. "Brother, can you put me on Discord, Opera and Python? Let Python 3, but." I said. Thanks to our program, it packages and sends us these programs.

Let's look at the photo if you want;


As you can see, we select our required programs and click on the purple ~ Get Your Ninite ~ button below and that's it! You will see a visual like the one below.


You can check the applications you choose from the marked places and change the applications from the section below. When you open the downloaded file, a file titled "Preparing Setup" will be opened. When this phase is over, you will see a visual as below.


Here, your applications will be loaded, the loading time may vary depending on the speed of your internet and the performance of your computer. You can sit back and start a movie and enjoy yourself until the apps are installed. Or, instead of watching, you can install the site directly.

When the installation is finished, you can click "Close" to complete the installation. You can search for the name of the program by pressing the "Windows Start" key to check if the programs have been installed.


~ Conculison ~


If you still have a question like "God, what does this program do?" Would I recommend? 10/10 Program

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