The Caesar Ciphering Method


Katılımcı Üye
16 Kas 2019

The Caesar Ciphering Method

The "ciphering" art started a long time ago as is clear from the title. It is an 'art' because of its creativity and subjectivity. A random person can not understand the ciphered context so the message will be secret. Sometimes, not ordinary people but, the government executives may require to communicate with each other; but there is no such thing as the internet, so the communication must be made by letter or face-to-face. Since letters are delivered with convoys, the enemy troops will try to gain intelligence by capturing the letter. Let's dig deeper about the Caesar ciphering method and why it should be used:

The author of the message must shift 2 letters to the right so that the text would look nonsense. The recipient must reverse the shift by shifting 2 letters to the left. This method has been created and applied by king Ceaser to deliver important messages and became popular in the royal family. The unreadability of the captured messages may even be saved lives!

We saw the Caesar cipher's basic principle. As told, it has a "shifting" method that depends on the count of shifted numbers; that's why it might be vulnerable to brute force attacks in today's world. The "count of shifted numbers" can be unlimited(If the last letter of the alphabet has been counted, the process continues with the beginning of the alphabet). When we inspect the great Caesar's years, this invention is really a genius project. I wonder how he'd come up with such a crazy idea!

The name Caesar would be encrypted like Ecguct [2 shifts].

This website could be used to encrypt and decrypt Caesar Cipher quickly.

This threat wouldn'T be possible without the great help of @#!/. He has the major contribution percentage.


Katılımcı Üye
13 Ocak 2018
Be sure about by using some of images about that topic, you can make more readable this subject.

Except this, nice topic and translation.


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
I agree with Sheldon, you should add images to look your article better. It's a good topic anyway.
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