How to Install and Use Termux Hammer DDOS Tool

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19 Tem 2011
Hello everyone

Today I'm going to show you how to install and use Termux DDOS tool.


What is DDOS Tool?

DDOS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. So you can attack target system's bandwith or resources with ddos ​​tool.

What is the logic behind DDOS Attack?

Well there are some advantages for DDos attackers and this is the reason why they choose DDos attack. First and most important of these is that machines can generate more attack traffic than one machine. Attack machines imitate each other in attacks from many machines. So the attack is growing and spreading. There are 4 different DDOS attack methods in the world: Tcp syn flood, volumetric ddos attack, IP fragmentation attack, application layer attacks. They are different methods but the result is same.

Can I attack from mobile devices?

Yes, you can attack with termux terminal.

Can I do it alone?

Yes you can do it alone but it won't work. But If you do it with 10 people, probably it will work.


Firstly, enter this code on the command line:

pkg update

pkg uprage

pkg install python --> We are installing python with this command.

pkg install git --> We are installing Git with this command. (By the way Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.)

git clone https//
(well, we are installing hammer with this command. Hammer is our ddos tool.)

cd hammer


using these codes, we make sure that we installed.

chmod x+

(we are giving permission to run)


and with this command, we are controlling again.


If you see this, everything is ready.


finally, we are starting attack with this command.

python -s www.siteveyaı -p 80 -t 135

I hope this will help.


Translator: dRose98
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