Types of Intelligences,// 'Redline


Blue Team Lideri
23 Haz 2015
In the past,everybody thought that if someone can solve maths problems easily,
that person is very intelligent and his IQ is very high. But novadays , this idea has changed. Because scientist say that we have different kinds of intelligence quotients.

IQ is most popular of them ist is our personal intelligence and comes our birth we can't change it.

But i think there is something more important than IQ. It's EQ we can say it is our emotional intelligence it makes us more sociable

There is one more new and important type of intelligence . That is SQ it is our spiritual intelligence it is the sum of our IQ and EQ it is our balance we can evolve it. It acts with our inner wisdom guided by compassion .

So we need also a high potential SQ to be successful.
Scientists find many new things everyday i hope one day they find the easiest ways of learning for everybody.
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