What is Data Integrity?


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
21 Ağu 2016

Data integrity means ensuring the totality and immutability of data during the period in which they exist. The completion of these security requirements for data integrity during information exchange between the two sides builds confidence in ensuring the authenticity of transmitted information and its originality.

This requirement becomes particularly important in connection with the increasing presence of e-business in the industry, so as a key of security and confidence companies introduce digital signature. A digital signature is a security mark which can be added to d o c u m e n t s. The signed d o c u m e n t is compressed with the use of the hash functions and encrypted with the user key, and is then sent together with the original d o c u m e n t.

On the other hand, the person who receives the message based on the original d o c u m e n t uses the same compression algorithm and the same key, so that he/she could compare his/her obtained result with the submitted signature. If the result and the signature match, we know that during the exchange, the integrity of the message was ensured.
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