What is WPA3? What are the Differences Between WPA2?


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
Hello TurkHackTeam, Today I will tell you what is Wpa3 and how it differs from Wpa2.


What is wpa3?

WPA3 was introduced to the public as a control system to provide protected access on wireless Wi-Fis. It was announced to people for the first time in 2018. Before 2018, the network system that we usually use in public or in our personal spaces was WPA2, but after 2018 this has changed. Due to many vulnerabilities of WPA2, a new WPA system has been developed. These events led to the emergence of WPA3. As a result, it was announced for the first time at CES 2018. WPA3 has many features that it has included since its first release, some of which are as follows. It is an example of being very safe against Brute Force Attacks. Apart from that, the use of personalized data encryption in the networks it uses and the use of stronger encryption techniques compared to WPA2 greatly increases the preference rate of WPA3. When you first came out, it was hosting some problems. Because it was a new system, most devices could not support this system. However, this problem disappeared in the future with the widespread use of this system.


What are the differences between Wpa3 and Wpa2?

Now let's look at the differences between these two systems.
Another feature of Wpa3 that will make it preferable and carry it to the top is that it provides privacy in public networks. I don't think it's necessary to prolong the thread. Long story short is that it uses individual data encryption. Apart from that, another difference is its high security. WPA3's Commercial National Security Algorithm from the National Security Committee, known as the CNSA, said at the time that they said they would use 192-bit secure packet content. This provides security worthy of use even in government systems. But unlike WEP and WPA in Wpa2, WPA2 uses the AES standard rather than using RCA4 stream encryption. This is not very encouraging. Another issue we can compare is the PMF systems they use. Wpa2 enforces PMF support since 2018. Devices using outdated software may not support PFM. But it makes this error in Wpa3. It makes the use of PMF mandatory in WPA3.



have a nice day


Kıdemli Üye
25 Haz 2021
Konya Ovası Askeri Tesislerinde
Hello TurkHackTeam, Today I will tell you what is Wpa3 and how it differs from Wpa2.


What is wpa3?

WPA3 was introduced to the public as a control system to provide protected access on wireless Wi-Fis. It was announced to people for the first time in 2018. Before 2018, the network system that we usually use in public or in our personal spaces was WPA2, but after 2018 this has changed. Due to many vulnerabilities of WPA2, a new WPA system has been developed. These events led to the emergence of WPA3. As a result, it was announced for the first time at CES 2018. WPA3 has many features that it has included since its first release, some of which are as follows. It is an example of being very safe against Brute Force Attacks. Apart from that, the use of personalized data encryption in the networks it uses and the use of stronger encryption techniques compared to WPA2 greatly increases the preference rate of WPA3. When you first came out, it was hosting some problems. Because it was a new system, most devices could not support this system. However, this problem disappeared in the future with the widespread use of this system.


What are the differences between Wpa3 and Wpa2?

Now let's look at the differences between these two systems.
Another feature of Wpa3 that will make it preferable and carry it to the top is that it provides privacy in public networks. I don't think it's necessary to prolong the thread. Long story short is that it uses individual data encryption. Apart from that, another difference is its high security. WPA3's Commercial National Security Algorithm from the National Security Committee, known as the CNSA, said at the time that they said they would use 192-bit secure packet content. This provides security worthy of use even in government systems. But unlike WEP and WPA in Wpa2, WPA2 uses the AES standard rather than using RCA4 stream encryption. This is not very encouraging. Another issue we can compare is the PMF systems they use. Wpa2 enforces PMF support since 2018. Devices using outdated software may not support PFM. But it makes this error in Wpa3. It makes the use of PMF mandatory in WPA3.



have a nice day


Katılımcı Üye
19 Şub 2021
Hello TurkHackTeam, Today I will tell you what is Wpa3 and how it differs from Wpa2.


What is wpa3?

WPA3 was introduced to the public as a control system to provide protected access on wireless Wi-Fis. It was announced to people for the first time in 2018. Before 2018, the network system that we usually use in public or in our personal spaces was WPA2, but after 2018 this has changed. Due to many vulnerabilities of WPA2, a new WPA system has been developed. These events led to the emergence of WPA3. As a result, it was announced for the first time at CES 2018. WPA3 has many features that it has included since its first release, some of which are as follows. It is an example of being very safe against Brute Force Attacks. Apart from that, the use of personalized data encryption in the networks it uses and the use of stronger encryption techniques compared to WPA2 greatly increases the preference rate of WPA3. When you first came out, it was hosting some problems. Because it was a new system, most devices could not support this system. However, this problem disappeared in the future with the widespread use of this system.


What are the differences between Wpa3 and Wpa2?

Now let's look at the differences between these two systems.
Another feature of Wpa3 that will make it preferable and carry it to the top is that it provides privacy in public networks. I don't think it's necessary to prolong the thread. Long story short is that it uses individual data encryption. Apart from that, another difference is its high security. WPA3's Commercial National Security Algorithm from the National Security Committee, known as the CNSA, said at the time that they said they would use 192-bit secure packet content. This provides security worthy of use even in government systems. But unlike WEP and WPA in Wpa2, WPA2 uses the AES standard rather than using RCA4 stream encryption. This is not very encouraging. Another issue we can compare is the PMF systems they use. Wpa2 enforces PMF support since 2018. Devices using outdated software may not support PFM. But it makes this error in Wpa3. It makes the use of PMF mandatory in WPA3.



have a nice day
Elinize saglık

cyber knight

Katılımcı Üye
30 Ağu 2021
Hello TurkHackTeam, Today I will tell you what is Wpa3 and how it differs from Wpa2.


What is wpa3?

WPA3 was introduced to the public as a control system to provide protected access on wireless Wi-Fis. It was announced to people for the first time in 2018. Before 2018, the network system that we usually use in public or in our personal spaces was WPA2, but after 2018 this has changed. Due to many vulnerabilities of WPA2, a new WPA system has been developed. These events led to the emergence of WPA3. As a result, it was announced for the first time at CES 2018. WPA3 has many features that it has included since its first release, some of which are as follows. It is an example of being very safe against Brute Force Attacks. Apart from that, the use of personalized data encryption in the networks it uses and the use of stronger encryption techniques compared to WPA2 greatly increases the preference rate of WPA3. When you first came out, it was hosting some problems. Because it was a new system, most devices could not support this system. However, this problem disappeared in the future with the widespread use of this system.


What are the differences between Wpa3 and Wpa2?

Now let's look at the differences between these two systems.
Another feature of Wpa3 that will make it preferable and carry it to the top is that it provides privacy in public networks. I don't think it's necessary to prolong the thread. Long story short is that it uses individual data encryption. Apart from that, another difference is its high security. WPA3's Commercial National Security Algorithm from the National Security Committee, known as the CNSA, said at the time that they said they would use 192-bit secure packet content. This provides security worthy of use even in government systems. But unlike WEP and WPA in Wpa2, WPA2 uses the AES standard rather than using RCA4 stream encryption. This is not very encouraging. Another issue we can compare is the PMF systems they use. Wpa2 enforces PMF support since 2018. Devices using outdated software may not support PFM. But it makes this error in Wpa3. It makes the use of PMF mandatory in WPA3.



have a nice day
Good job, good job for your work.
Have a nice day and good forum.

Merhaba TurkHackTeam, Bugün sizlere Wpa3'ün ne olduğunu ve Wpa2'den farkını anlatacağım.


wpa3 nedir?

WPA3, kablosuz Wi-Fi'lerde korumalı erişim sağlamak için bir kontrol sistemi olarak halka tanıtıldı. 2018 yılında ilk kez insanlara duyurulmuştu. 2018 yılı öncesinde genellikle halka açık veya kişisel alanlarımızda kullandığımız ağ sistemi WPA2 iken 2018 yılından sonra bu durum değişti. WPA2'nin birçok güvenlik açığı nedeniyle, yeni bir WPA sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu olaylar WPA3'ün ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu. Sonuç olarak ilk kez CES 2018'de duyuruldu. WPA3'ün ilk çıkışından bu yana içerdiği birçok özelliği var bunlardan bazıları aşağıdaki gibi. Brute Force Saldırılarına karşı çok güvenli olmanın bir örneğidir. Bunun dışında kullandığı ağlarda kişiselleştirilmiş veri şifrelemenin kullanılması ve WPA2'ye göre daha güçlü şifreleme tekniklerinin kullanılması WPA3'ün tercih oranını büyük ölçüde artırmaktadır. İlk çıktığında, bazı sorunlara ev sahipliği yapıyordu. Yeni bir sistem olduğu için çoğu cihaz bu sistemi destekleyemiyordu. Ancak ilerleyen zamanlarda bu sistemin yaygınlaşmasıyla bu sorun ortadan kalktı.


Wpa3 ve Wpa2 arasındaki farklar nelerdir?

Şimdi bu iki sistem arasındaki farklara bakalım.
Wpa3'ü tercih edilir kılacak ve zirveye taşıyacak bir diğer özelliği ise genel ağlarda gizlilik sağlamasıdır. Konuyu uzatmaya gerek yok bence. Uzun lafın kısası, bireysel veri şifrelemesi kullanmasıdır. Bunun dışında bir diğer farkı da yüksek güvenliğidir. CNSA olarak bilinen Ulusal Güvenlik Komitesi'nden WPA3'ün Ticari Ulusal Güvenlik Algoritması, o sırada 192 bit güvenli paket içeriği kullanacaklarını söyledi. Bu, hükümet sistemlerinde bile kullanıma değer bir güvenlik sağlar. Ancak Wpa2'deki WEP ve WPA'dan farklı olarak WPA2, RCA4 akış şifrelemesi kullanmak yerine AES standardını kullanır. Bu pek cesaret verici değil. Kıyaslayabileceğimiz bir diğer konu ise kullandıkları PMF sistemleri. Wpa2, 2018'den beri PMF desteğini zorunlu kılar. Eski yazılım kullanan cihazlar PFM'yi desteklemeyebilir. Ama bu hatayı Wpa3'te yapıyor. WPA3'te PMF kullanımını zorunlu kılar.



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