Basic DDoS Attacks


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
What is DDoS?

DDoS, namely "Distrubuted Denial of Service", is a distributed denial of service/blocking system used by both white hat hackers and black hat hackers, which is talked about by many cyber security experts today. To give the best example of a DDoS attack; You went to a bakery, and you bought 1 pita from the oven.
Then you take a look behind you and there is a queue. Customers are doing ordinary welding to catch up with iftar or they want to go inside the oven intensely.
For this reason, would you like to think about the situation of 1 cashier working there? The cashier cannot deal with everyone because it is automatically busy and is stunned.
What do you think will happen because he can't take care of everyone and he is stunned? Of course, he can't deal with the customers and the service flow stops and the bakery can't serve.
This is the best example of DDoS. Of course, we cannot confuse the real world since these attacks are made over the virtual world ): . In general, DDoS is thrown for the purpose of damaging systems.
Of course, DDoS is used ethically today and is generally used for testing purposes on firewalls. It is an external example of a DDoS attack that sends a lot of data and the server slows down and crashes because it cannot keep up with this data as in the oven example.


Purposes of Attacks

Don't hurt systems.

For political reasons.

It is for commercial reasons.

Websites not working.

E-mail work.

Does not work with the phone.

Operation of Game Servers.

Computer systems not working inactive.

Boredom / To make air.


Types of DDoS Attacks

HTTP Flood

It forces the servers we use to use the most resources by setting them on POST or HHTP GET requests and sending these packages to the destination.

SYN Flood

During the three-way handshake, the target receiving the message type SYN sends SYN+ACK. It waits for the so-called ACK message in agreement. Since the SYN sent by the attacker comes from a fake IP address, the target will not be able to receive the ACK message. In this way, a vicious circle is created and the target system collapses.

LAN Flood

It is similar in basis to the SYN Flood attack. In this type of attack, the attacker uses the IP address of the target party. As a result, the target starts sending SYN packets by itself. This vicious cycle repeats and the target system crashes.

UDP Flood

In this Protocol, there is no handshake that we call 3-way. For this reason, a more rapid attack takes place. Attacker sends random data/packets targeting udp protocols. The system crashes because the target receiving these packets becomes unable to respond.

ICMP Flood

ICMP Flood attack, called Internet Control Message Protocol, sends ICMP Echo Request from many different points. The target party sends an echo reply to these requests. In this vicious state, it becomes a cycle and the system collapses.


Have a nice day


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
10 Şub 2012
Osmaniye 80
Modların kategori görevleri tekrar aktif hale gelmiş anlasılan :)
Modları biraz dinlendiren yönetim tekrar iş başı yaptırmış bunu görüyorüz :))


Katılımcı Üye
19 Şub 2021
What is DDoS?

DDoS, namely "Distrubuted Denial of Service", is a distributed denial of service/blocking system used by both white hat hackers and black hat hackers, which is talked about by many cyber security experts today. To give the best example of a DDoS attack; You went to a bakery, and you bought 1 pita from the oven.
Then you take a look behind you and there is a queue. Customers are doing ordinary welding to catch up with iftar or they want to go inside the oven intensely.
For this reason, would you like to think about the situation of 1 cashier working there? The cashier cannot deal with everyone because it is automatically busy and is stunned.
What do you think will happen because he can't take care of everyone and he is stunned? Of course, he can't deal with the customers and the service flow stops and the bakery can't serve.
This is the best example of DDoS. Of course, we cannot confuse the real world since these attacks are made over the virtual world ): . In general, DDoS is thrown for the purpose of damaging systems.
Of course, DDoS is used ethically today and is generally used for testing purposes on firewalls. It is an external example of a DDoS attack that sends a lot of data and the server slows down and crashes because it cannot keep up with this data as in the oven example.


Purposes of Attacks

Don't hurt systems.

For political reasons.

It is for commercial reasons.

Websites not working.

E-mail work.

Does not work with the phone.

Operation of Game Servers.

Computer systems not working inactive.

Boredom / To make air.


Types of DDoS Attacks

HTTP Flood

It forces the servers we use to use the most resources by setting them on POST or HHTP GET requests and sending these packages to the destination.

SYN Flood

During the three-way handshake, the target receiving the message type SYN sends SYN+ACK. It waits for the so-called ACK message in agreement. Since the SYN sent by the attacker comes from a fake IP address, the target will not be able to receive the ACK message. In this way, a vicious circle is created and the target system collapses.

LAN Flood

It is similar in basis to the SYN Flood attack. In this type of attack, the attacker uses the IP address of the target party. As a result, the target starts sending SYN packets by itself. This vicious cycle repeats and the target system crashes.

UDP Flood

In this Protocol, there is no handshake that we call 3-way. For this reason, a more rapid attack takes place. Attacker sends random data/packets targeting udp protocols. The system crashes because the target receiving these packets becomes unable to respond.

ICMP Flood

ICMP Flood attack, called Internet Control Message Protocol, sends ICMP Echo Request from many different points. The target party sends an echo reply to these requests. In this vicious state, it becomes a cycle and the system collapses.


Have a nice day
Elinize emeginize saglık

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı
What is DDoS?

DDoS, namely "Distrubuted Denial of Service", is a distributed denial of service/blocking system used by both white hat hackers and black hat hackers, which is talked about by many cyber security experts today. To give the best example of a DDoS attack; You went to a bakery, and you bought 1 pita from the oven.
Then you take a look behind you and there is a queue. Customers are doing ordinary welding to catch up with iftar or they want to go inside the oven intensely.
For this reason, would you like to think about the situation of 1 cashier working there? The cashier cannot deal with everyone because it is automatically busy and is stunned.
What do you think will happen because he can't take care of everyone and he is stunned? Of course, he can't deal with the customers and the service flow stops and the bakery can't serve.
This is the best example of DDoS. Of course, we cannot confuse the real world since these attacks are made over the virtual world ): . In general, DDoS is thrown for the purpose of damaging systems.
Of course, DDoS is used ethically today and is generally used for testing purposes on firewalls. It is an external example of a DDoS attack that sends a lot of data and the server slows down and crashes because it cannot keep up with this data as in the oven example.


Purposes of Attacks

Don't hurt systems.

For political reasons.

It is for commercial reasons.

Websites not working.

E-mail work.

Does not work with the phone.

Operation of Game Servers.

Computer systems not working inactive.

Boredom / To make air.


Types of DDoS Attacks

HTTP Flood

It forces the servers we use to use the most resources by setting them on POST or HHTP GET requests and sending these packages to the destination.

SYN Flood

During the three-way handshake, the target receiving the message type SYN sends SYN+ACK. It waits for the so-called ACK message in agreement. Since the SYN sent by the attacker comes from a fake IP address, the target will not be able to receive the ACK message. In this way, a vicious circle is created and the target system collapses.

LAN Flood

It is similar in basis to the SYN Flood attack. In this type of attack, the attacker uses the IP address of the target party. As a result, the target starts sending SYN packets by itself. This vicious cycle repeats and the target system crashes.

UDP Flood

In this Protocol, there is no handshake that we call 3-way. For this reason, a more rapid attack takes place. Attacker sends random data/packets targeting udp protocols. The system crashes because the target receiving these packets becomes unable to respond.

ICMP Flood

ICMP Flood attack, called Internet Control Message Protocol, sends ICMP Echo Request from many different points. The target party sends an echo reply to these requests. In this vicious state, it becomes a cycle and the system collapses.


Have a nice day
Nice topic.

cyber knight

Katılımcı Üye
30 Ağu 2021
What is DDoS?

DDoS, namely "Distrubuted Denial of Service", is a distributed denial of service/blocking system used by both white hat hackers and black hat hackers, which is talked about by many cyber security experts today. To give the best example of a DDoS attack; You went to a bakery, and you bought 1 pita from the oven.
Then you take a look behind you and there is a queue. Customers are doing ordinary welding to catch up with iftar or they want to go inside the oven intensely.
For this reason, would you like to think about the situation of 1 cashier working there? The cashier cannot deal with everyone because it is automatically busy and is stunned.
What do you think will happen because he can't take care of everyone and he is stunned? Of course, he can't deal with the customers and the service flow stops and the bakery can't serve.
This is the best example of DDoS. Of course, we cannot confuse the real world since these attacks are made over the virtual world ): . In general, DDoS is thrown for the purpose of damaging systems.
Of course, DDoS is used ethically today and is generally used for testing purposes on firewalls. It is an external example of a DDoS attack that sends a lot of data and the server slows down and crashes because it cannot keep up with this data as in the oven example.


Purposes of Attacks

Don't hurt systems.

For political reasons.

It is for commercial reasons.

Websites not working.

E-mail work.

Does not work with the phone.

Operation of Game Servers.

Computer systems not working inactive.

Boredom / To make air.


Types of DDoS Attacks

HTTP Flood

It forces the servers we use to use the most resources by setting them on POST or HHTP GET requests and sending these packages to the destination.

SYN Flood

During the three-way handshake, the target receiving the message type SYN sends SYN+ACK. It waits for the so-called ACK message in agreement. Since the SYN sent by the attacker comes from a fake IP address, the target will not be able to receive the ACK message. In this way, a vicious circle is created and the target system collapses.

L bir K F l O O d

Temel olarak SYN Flood saldırısına benzer. Bu saldırı türünde saldırgan, hedef tarafın IP adresini kullanır. Sonuç olarak hedef kendi kendine SYN paketleri göndermeye başlar. Bu kısır döngü tekrar eder ve hedef sistem çöker.

U D P F l O O d

Bu Protokolde 3'lü dediğimiz bir el sıkışma yoktur. Bu nedenle daha hızlı bir saldırı gerçekleşir. Saldırgan, udp protokollerini hedefleyen rastgele veri/paketler gönderir. Bu paketleri alan hedef yanıt veremez hale geldiğinden sistem çöker.

I M p F l O O d

İnternet Kontrol Mesaj Protokolü adı verilen ICMP Flood saldırısı, birçok farklı noktadan ICMP Echo Request gönderir. Hedef taraf bu isteklere bir yankı yanıtı gönderir. Bu kısır durumda, bir döngü haline gelir ve sistem çöker.


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