The North Korean hacker group Lazarus stole 240 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency in 104 days

The robbery incidents believed to have occurred on the cryptocurrency exchange CoinEx and the cryptocurrency gaming platform Stake have taken the forefront of the cryptocurrency agenda. Blockchain security company CertiK, in data released at the end of August, reported that the total value of stolen cryptocurrencies since the beginning of the year amounted to $997 million, while the recent events have pushed this figure beyond $1 billion.


Crypto markets have been rattled in recent weeks by two new hacking and theft incidents. It is estimated that the cryptocurrency exchange CoinEx suffered a loss of $54 million in an attack believed to be orchestrated by the North Korean-based hacker group Lazarus, according to blockchain security company SlowMist and on-chain researcher ZachXBT. Additionally, an attack on the cryptocurrency gaming platform named Stake is predicted to have resulted in the theft of $41 million worth of cryptocurrencies.

In a report released at the end of August, blockchain security company CertiK revealed that $997 million worth of cryptocurrencies had been stolen from the cryptocurrency markets since the beginning of the year. The recent events have pushed this figure beyond $1 billion. The domestic cryptocurrency exchange Bzetmex issued significant security reminders to cryptocurrency investors.

In August, $45 million worth of crypto was stolen. CertiK confirmed in data shared on August 31st that the total value of cryptocurrencies stolen in August alone amounted to $45 million. The top three cryptocurrency scam incidents that marked August 2023 were Pepecoin, Exactly Protocol, and Magnate Finance. CertiK's report indicated that thefts since the beginning of the year resulted in a $997 million loss, with the CoinEx and Stake cases pushing this figure over $1 billion.

Erdoğan Turan, CEO of Bzetmex, emphasized that every hacking and fraudulent incident in the cryptocurrency markets harms the overall ecosystem. He said, "The tools used by increasingly powerful cybercriminals perceive cryptocurrencies as easy gains. According to Elliptic's data, Lazarus alone stole $240 million worth of cryptocurrencies in just 104 days. This period requires cryptocurrency investors to question their preferred platforms for trading and reconsider their security measures."

Erdoğan Turan, CEO of Bzetmex, also advocated for users to evaluate security measures as their top priority when choosing cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms. He stated, "Investors should research what kind of security measures the exchanges they want to use have in place to protect user assets. Topics like two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage of funds, stringent security protocols provide clues about platform security. Whether the cryptocurrency exchange has been involved in a hack incident before, how transparent they are in such situations or in general, the open identities of cryptocurrency exchange managers, their media visibility, all of these should be evaluated by investors. Additionally, critical information includes the total number of users on the cryptocurrency exchange, transaction volumes and liquidity levels verified by reliable platforms like CoinMarketCap."

Erdoğan Turan also noted that factors such as user experience, transaction fees, product variety, and 24/7 support should be considered when choosing a cryptocurrency exchange. He concluded his evaluations with the following remarks: "At Bzetmex, we clearly share our policies against money laundering, conduct the Know Your Customer (KYC) process in accordance with procedures, and protect our users' investments with strict security policies and cold wallets. With our 24/7 support team, we always provide users with the confidence they seek. Crypto investors who take individual security measures seriously, such as avoiding shared Wi-Fi networks, being cautious against phishing attacks and fake emails, regularly updating their browsers, software, and operating systems, using 2FA, and selecting strong passwords, can experience a secure crypto buying/selling experience while protecting themselves from potential attacks."

Source : dunya haber


Blue Team Lideri
23 Haz 2015
Well, North Korea has really huge military and cyber military power. Attackers from that country has some serious malware control, network security ability.

Shortly they just want justice for their leader jongy guy. Long life king kong un sir :trl
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