What is DoS (Denial of Service) Attack?


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
21 Ağu 2016

The target of the denial-of-service attack is to flood system resources so that a system could not respond to the handed requirements. Denial-of-service attack can be done by flooding a server with a very large number of simultaneous connections, so a system is no longer able to respond. Another way is to flood the entire space for storage of a computer system with the transfer of large files.

Denial-of-service attack includes the following:

Buffer overflow The process gets much more information than it was expected. If the process has no procedure to deal with this excessive amount of data, it will take unexpected measures which an attacker can use. For example, ping of death uses the Internet control message protocols that it sends an illegal signal packet of size more than 65k octets of data. Thus, it can cause the overflow of system variables and lead to the disfunctionality of the system.

SYN attack In this attack, the attacker employs the use of buffer during initialization of the transmission control protocol session. The attacker floods the system order with a large number of connection requests, but does not respond to the requirements which the system is sending. This procedure will cause a timeout for the appropriate response and the system will become dysfunctional or unavailable.

Teardrop attack The attacker modifies the fragmentation move in IP sequence packets. The target system becomes confused and dysfunctional the moment it receives contradictory instruction, as the fragments are being moved.

Smurf attack This attack requires the use of a fake IP address, and Internet control protocol so it could flood the network with traffic. An attacker on the original ******** sends hoaxed signal package to the broadcast address of a large network on the target ********. This modified packet contains the forged original address which was replaced by the address of the host which is being attacked. This will cause the launching ******** to broadcast the disinformation to all devices in the local network, and then all devices will reply to the target system which then becomes flooded by responses.

Similar denial-of-service attack is distributed denial-of-service attack which also attacks network resources, with the only difference that it starts from a large number of computers. The attack program is installed on more computers and is unknown to the owners. The attack program will remain inactive on those computers until it receives a starting signal from the computer. This signal triggers computers which then start simultaneous attack on a target network or system with such an intensity that they flood them.

The host computer can be some other unsuspected computer. Computers that receive instructions from the host computer are called zombies. Such system executes instructions given only from the host computer. The worst part of this type of the attack is that computers that run attacks actually belong to ordinary computer users. The attack does not give any special notice for those users. When the attack ends, the attack program can be automatically removed from the system, or it can infect the computer with a virus and destroy the hard drive to destroy the evidence of the attack.
Son düzenleme:
20 Ağu 2016
Only massive attacks can produce good results, also there are "zombies" as you said. Individual DoS attacks are nothing.. Especially users like us.

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