Blizzard Launches Diablo Immortal into Limited Public Alpha


15 Kas 2020
Diablo Immortal takes place between the events of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (an expansion for Diablo II) and Diablo III. The massively multiplayer element aside, it appears to look and play a lot like a traditional Diablo game, just on mobile. That won't appease everyone (especially diehard PC gamers) but it might not be as bad as the critics initially suspected.
Diablo Immortal, the massively multiplayer mobile-only game that Blizzard first revealed back at BlizzCon 2018, is just around the bend.

Blizzard on Friday announced that they will soon be opening the game for a limited public technical alpha. The goal of the controlled launch is to test server stability and client performance across a wide range of devices as well as collect player feedback regarding the core game, the leveling experience and other early gameplay systems.

From today, select gamers in Australia that pre-registered on the Google Play Store will receive an invitation to the Diablo Immortal technical alpha.


The test will be limited to a couple thousand players, Blizzard said, and is expected to run for a couple of weeks. Minimum hardware requirements include a Snapdragon 710 SoC, 2GB of RAM and Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher. The game is free-to-play but there will be optional in-game purchases, although Blizzard said these “will never stand in the way of progression or enjoying the game.”

A general release date has not been set for Diablo Immortal.

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