You Can Support TurkHackTeam By Donating

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Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
We have been serving Turkish nation without a break for 17 years. We had normally have strict rule when it comes to donation. We refused incoming donate offers over and over. Because we couldn't put a price tag on our services that we've done for Turkish nation. Now we think it's necessary to share why we opened a topic like that. We organized a CTF event in recent months and distributed some awards with ours own means just for encouraging participants but that wasn't good enough. That's why it's so hard for us to compete with other business organizations. But we still can distribute satisfying awards in that events with yours support. We also couldn't have mobile design in our forum for years. And that causes some difficulties for mobile users. We finally managed to change the design with the money collected between the administrators. By the way, nonstop incoming DDoS attacks to our forum causes a problem which is we need such a strong server. And we also have to bear that cost. Advertising revenue is just 1 in 5. So we need your donations to provide you guys service better and compete with other business organizations in cyber security. You can donate to the following BTC account if you want to support TurkHackTeam. You can be sure that every cent will be spent for TurkHackTeam's expenses.



Sincerely yours
TurkHackTeam Administrators
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