Best Way to Get 100% Free VPS for Students 2021


Uzman üye
9 Mar 2016

#1 InterServer VPS

InterServer is a popular USA-based web hosting company. The hosting server provider established in 2000, and they are in business for a very long time.

InterServer has evolved over the years, and they have added every package in existence. Comprehensive features and the management support student’s ambition.

InterServer VPS for students, free vps for students
InterServer informed the new customers that they have to sign-up for an account using the EDU domain.

Every student in the universities and schools get.EDU email address and they have to use it to get it.

You can get great discounts on existing packages as well, and it is a way to support students.

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#2 DomainRacer

DomainRacer is a popular India based web hosting company, founded in 2012. DomainRacer started an enterprise called “Affordable VPS hosting for Student”.

It is the cloud infrastructure based best KVM VPS hosting provider because they offer an absolutely inexpensive price cost as like free server.

They have added more value to get special benefits and package to their customers in existence services, which delivers faster server connectivity, proving authority with low latency infrastructure.

domainracer vps hosting
Of course, it is the best platform to develop your project on unmanaged low-cost VPS hosting and start working on your project or business website. Getting the cheap VPS server at this best price is very difficult.

Below are some extraordinary features providing by DomainRacer VPS Hosting:-

VPS Plan – Unmanaged VPS
Price – $8 per month
CPU – 1 Core
RAM – 2048 MB
Storage – 20 GB (SSD)
Bandwidth – 2 TB
Root Access – Yes
Data Centre – France, UK, India, USA and Canada
Traffic – Unlimited
Operating System – Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian
Powerful Services – Intel Xeon E5-2640 v4 processors
domainracer vps hosting plans
DomainRacer is an ideal choice for developers to build the best resources, evolving tools and applications that everything you need to run in sites.

This good VPS comes with a comprehensive range of operating systems (OS) to pick up from easily installed and let’s get started.

DomainRacer has their top tier 3 multi-data centre l ocations in India, Singapore, France, USA, UK and Canada etc.

There are many more other reasons available to why recommend DomainRacer VPS Hosting.

#3 GitHub Student Developer Pack

GitHub is a popular open-source website, where developers come together to create web applications, programs, and free software.

You can host free software on the platform forever without paying a single penny.

GitHub worked with major industry names, and they have come forward to assist new developers.


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GitHub does not come with storage limitations because it is an open-source project, after all. Thousands of free tools are available at the platform, and anyone can start building a site from scratch. Of course, there is an age limit of the package, and it starts from 13-years old.

#4 Amazon AWS Educate Program

Amazon started an initiative called “free cloud server for students” designed to assist the consumers using their services.

The company is allowing the students and researchers to explain cloud services to educational institutions.

Amazon AWS Educate Program, Apply for AWS Educate
The original intention of the management that they want to spread the product around the world and support children for a good purpose.

Of course, it is a good initiate offering free VPS hosting accounts to the young students.

The students will get credits that can be used as a gift coupon to redeem the discount.

In case, if you are a researcher, then apply with supporting institution d ocuments.

It does seem like a complicated process, but it’s worth your time.

#5 Microsoft Azure for Education Professionals

MS Software Company could not stand behind and created “Azure for students” project.

Microsoft providing free VPS for students, and there are no catches.

Bill Gates spending a lot of time helping people around the world and free VPS for students is one of them.

The next MS successful project Mircosoft Azure or Windows Azure the added free services for students so that the company can assist in children growth.


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