Multi-Purpose Hacking Tool - Louise Bitish


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills

Today I will tell you about my multi-purpose hacking tool that I have developed. The tool has 8 features;
  • NMAP - Used for network discovery and security auditing​
  • SQLMAP - Automates SQL injection attacks to exploit database vulnerabilities​
  • WIRESHARK - Network protocol analyzer used for network troubleshooting and analysis​
  • WORDLIST CREATOR - Generates custom wordlists for brute force attacks​
  • MAC CHANGER - Changes MAC address of network interfaces​
  • PENETRATION TESTING - Automates network penetration testing tasks​
  • USER AGENT GENERATOR - Generates random user agent strings for web hacking​
  • PORT SCANNER - Scans open ports on network hosts​


Anka Team Junior
21 Tem 2023

Today I will tell you about my multi-purpose hacking tool that I have developed. The tool has 8 features;
  • NMAP - Used for network discovery and security auditing​
  • SQLMAP - Automates SQL injection attacks to exploit database vulnerabilities​
  • WIRESHARK - Network protocol analyzer used for network troubleshooting and analysis​
  • WORDLIST CREATOR - Generates custom wordlists for brute force attacks​
  • MAC CHANGER - Changes MAC address of network interfaces​
  • PENETRATION TESTING - Automates network penetration testing tasks​
  • USER AGENT GENERATOR - Generates random user agent strings for web hacking​
  • PORT SCANNER - Scans open ports on network hosts​
Thanks Swarq Hocam :)
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