mp3 LeRi BuNuNLa DiNLeDiKTeN sOnRa WiNaMPtAn NeFReT eDeCeKSiNiZ-Steinberg MyMp3PRO v

Michael Pers

Kıdemli Üye
4 Ara 2007
mp3 LeRi BuNuNLa DiNLeDiKTeN sOnRa WiNaMPtAn NeFReT eDeCeKSiNiZ-Steinberg MyMp3PRO v
mp3 LeRi BuNuNLa DiNLeDiKTeN sOnRa WiNaMPtAn NeFReT eDeCeKSiNiZ-Steinberg MyMp3PRO v 5.0
Steinberg iN VST pluginler i bu pro ile birlikte calisir ve mp3 ler uzerinde herseyi yapabilirsiniz
arkadaslar bu dandik bir freeware degil winamp yada digerleri gibi STEiNBERG adli professional audio software leri gelistiren firmanin ozellikle MP3 icin yazdigi bir program STEiNBERG konusunda dunyada liderdir
daha sonra bu programi PiNNaCLE satin aldi su anda onun bunyesinde
1GB yakin sound ve plugini mevcut dosya buyuk oldugu icin ve kimse ilgilenmez diye linkini vermedim
digerleri ile KIYASLANAMAZ bile
ve sadece MUZiK dinlemek istiyorsaniz OLAY BUDUR

Manufacturer's Description:

Turn your PC into the ultimate jukebox: Listen to, convert, organize and quickly burn audio and MP3s onto CDs and DVDs, or upload them to a portable MP3 player with myMP3PRO. Created by Steinberg, a world leader in professional audio products, myMP3PRO couples high-end features with high-quality results at an unbeatable price.

Burn music to DVD and play them back on your set top DVD player: MyMP3PRO is the first jukebox software application to include the ability to burn MP3s onto DVDs that can play be played back on your living room DVD player. Create DVD menus to help find and play your favourite songs, or simply use the medium to archive your entire music collection. The interface, in addition to being intuitive and easy to use, is totally customizable. Pick and chose from a list of included skins or create your own.

Edit, mix, and add real-time effects to your MP3s:Edit songs with copy, cut, and paste simplicity, and then enhance them further with myMP3PRO's high-quality effects algorithms. Sweeten your music with the built-in eight-band equalizer, match audio levels with the compression utility, and then push it over the top with the loudness maximizer. Edit directly on MP3 files without the prior conversion, and easily drop in fade ins, fade outs and cross fades. Mixmasters take note. MyMP3PRO includes DJ-style audio FX such as a 3-band filter EQ with kill switches for each band, a phaser, flanger, delay, chopper/gater, a resonance filter and a BPM counter to match tempo and create professional dance mixes.


File size: 34.1mb[/quote]
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