Yeni üye
13 Haz 2008
| __________ ________ __________ ___________ |
| \______ \_____ / _____/ ____\______ \ ___\__ ___/ |
| | _/\__ \ / \ ____/ __ \| | _// _ \| | private by the nlh team |
| | | \ / __ \\ \_\ \ ___/| | ( <_> ) | based on d's bot |
| |____|_ /(____ /\______ /\___ >______ /\____/|____| |
| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |

commands & usage

use (prefix)command

[] is optional
() is mandatory

ver - shows what version you are running
commands - shows a list of commands
inject - injects the bot exe as crack.exe to all rar files on computer
disconnect - disconnects the bot
reconnect - reconnects to the same server
reconnect.next - reconnects to the next server in list
nick [nick] - changes nick
restart - restarts the bot
patch - patches tcpip.sys
part (chan) - part's a channel
join (chan) - join's a channel
(h) (md5 cryption for download) (url) (file ********) (1 - 0) - downloads a file and executes if specified.
(h) (md5 cryption for remove) - completely removes the bot.
Vncstop - stop's the scanning threads
scan (threads) (random/sequent) (ip,b or y) (3 only available) (0,1,2) [range]
msn - sends predefined messages to all msn contacts



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