Top 10 Multi-Language WordPress Extensions


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21 Nis 2020


HiTurkHackTeam Members.
In this topic, I'll show you the Top Best 10 Multi-Language WordPress Extensions.


Top 10 Multi-Language WordPress Extensions


If you've decided to translate your website into different languages ​​but you are still not sure which WordPress multilanguage plugin is right for you, you are in the right place. We're going to take a look at some of the most popular WordPress multi-language plugins on the market today.

1. WordPress Multilingual Plugin

WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) is a popular translation plugin that can meet the translation needs of any website, whether it's a personal blog or a corporate site. It helps you translate your website content into more than 40 languages. It is also a good choice for multiple sites, as it allows you to place each language version in the same domain or subdomain.

WPML synchronizes with translation services for automatic translation. It also allows you to add specific language variables using the editor.

If you want to use this fast, easy-to-use plugin that offers unlimited options to translate your website the way you want, you need to purchase a license.



2. TranslatePress

TranslatePress is a multi-language WordPress plugin that offers a fast and easy translation service for your website. By using TranslatePress, you can create sites in different languages ​​without any problems; You can change the text of forms, shortcodes and other components effortlessly. Since TranslatePress is a self-hosted plugin, you can keep your translations forever.

TranslatePress is also compatible with WooCommerce and all modern WordPress themes you can find on the market today. When using TranslatePress, you can view the changes with a live preview so you don't skip back and forth when making changes. This process alone allows you to quickly and comfortably turn your page or blog.



3. Polylang

Polylang is a very easy to use WordPress multilingual extension. This plugin allows you to translate content without connecting to any translation service. If you want to create and manage multiple language versions yourself, Polylang is a good choice for you.

Using Polylang, you can generate post and page text, categories and tags normally; You can specify the language of each of them, and you can choose from nearly a hundred languages ​​on the settings screen. You can also choose the appearance of the language name on your screen and add the appropriate country flag.

In Polylang, each language is defined by a two-letter code, and this code forms part of the URL of each language version. Using a widget, users can switch from one language to another. Although the plugin is free, you will need to purchase a license if you want to use premium features.



4. Translate WordPress with GTranslate

Translate WordPress with GTranslate is powered by Google Translate service to translate your website into 104 languages. This makes your website available to almost 99% of internet users. Hides Google's better translation suggestion after translation. It translates menus, widgets, categories, tags, themes and plugins as well as pages and posts. Allows you to place country flags next to menu items. It can also be used within WooCommerce stores.

Although the plugin is free, the premium version places great importance on SEO and contributes to your website to increase your international reach. It allows you to manually correct translations, translates the content also for AMP pages, translates media, and provides Live Chat support.



5. Weglot Translate

Weglot Translate uses an intuitive API to detect any content on your website, translating your content into one of 60 language options. Automatic translation acts as a basic version that you can edit manually. If you want to improve the translation quality, you can use Weglot's professional translation service.

After installing the plugin on your website, you need to create an account with Weglot where you will specify the original language of your website and the translation language and obtain an API key. Once you have this key, you can exclude pages and content blocks from translation.

Weglot Translate automatically assigns unique URLs to new URL pages. You can add the title, description, méta tags, categories, etc. automatically detects and translates. A user visiting pages translated with Weglot Translate will have the same experience as a user on the original language pages.

Weglot is available free of charge for micro-level websites (up to 2000 words). The price to pay for other websites depends on the number of words you need to translate and the language option you need. All packages have access to Pro translation services. If you exceed the word count of your current pack, you will be automatically upgraded to the next pack without any interruption in service.



6. Babble

Babble is an open source and fast WordPress multilingual extension that you can download for free. According to most authors, Babble runs 20% faster and with 40% fewer queries than other plugins. Requires you to handle the translation yourself in Babble, the plugin does not use any external tools or services for this.

After enabling the Babble plugin, enable the new language in settings and then click on any page or post you want to translate. The interface puts the original content and a blank area side by side on the same screen to facilitate translation. When you're done with the translation, add the Language Change Widget to the sidebar. Through this way, users can switch from one language to another.



7. WP Multilang

WP Multilang is a full featured WordPress multilingual plugin that you can use to translate website pages into different languages. With WP Multilang, you can translate posts, méta descriptions, menus, titles, widgets, multimedia files for free; You have the option to set many languages ​​for multi-region support and localization.

WP Multilang works with WordPress themes as well as many different plugins and website builders. If you have no limits on what language you want your website translated into, take action now and start translating with WP Multilang.



8. Multisite Language Switcher

As the name resembles, Multisite Language Switcher is a free WordPress multilingual plugin that allows you to switch languages ​​instantly. With Multisite Language Switcher, you can create websites that you can easily run in different languages.

After downloading the plugin, you can activate it in the plugins section of your WordPress administrator and start using the Multisite Language Switcher immediately. You can always access the support forum for additional information and save time and energy.



9. Google Website Translator

Google Translate is a popular, useful and free tool that you can use to translate any kind of content you need into over a hundred languages. Its translations are automatic and very simple. Google Website Translator uses the power of this Google tool to translate the content of any WordPress website. After installing and activating the plugin, you need to specify your original language and the languages ​​you need translations for. If you want, you can also choose all the languages ​​offered. Translation occurs automatically.

Using shortcodes, you can add a widget to any post or sidebar. Users can interact with the widget to select a language from a drop down menu or by clicking the country flag. In a few seconds, you will see that all the content of your website appears in your chosen language. If you want, you can exclude parts of your website from translation.



10. Google Language Translator

Translation on a WordPress website is not complicated if you choose the right plugins. Google Language Translator is one of the useful, fast and simple plugins that do all these things automatically for you. You don't need to do a lot of work other than adjusting the configuration and you forget it as you install the plugin.

With the plugin you can download for free, you can create a menu, widget, theme, adds-on, etc. You can also translate a WooCommerce website. If you need more features, you can speed things up with the premium plan.




Thanks for reading
Take care for now..

Yours truly:Smiley1021:

Translator: Dolyetyus

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