TrickBot: Versatile botnet


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
What makes a TrickBot botnet so dangerous? Banking Trojans Emotet (rendered harmless) and Retefe, as well as TrickBot, pose a danger to your computer. TrickBot and the botnet behind the malware are challenging cybersecurity experts.

TrickBot has been used by cybercriminals since 2016 to infiltrate other people's computers, specifically to spy on confidential private data. The victims of these cyberattacks include not only companies, but also private individuals. The scope and capabilities of this malware have increased significantly since its discovery in 2016.

The focus is no longer just on data theft. TrickBot can now also change network traffic and spread further. Once malware enters a system and infects a computer, TrickBot opens the backdoor for other malware.

TrickBot is particularly dangerous and harmful due to its ability to mutate and the numerous add-ons it brings. Like Trojan horse malware in general, TrickBot deftly hides itself from its victims. Therefore, it can only be detected and eliminated with extreme care and using the best security software, such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus.


How does the Banking Trojan TrickBot spread?
TrickBot initially broke into the system through phishing emails, usually through phishing emails. This often involves sending fake emails from well-known institutions and companies that deceptively appear real and have an attachment. Victims of the TrickBot attack are asked to open the attachment or link in the email, which leads to the virus infecting the device. Opening attachments will cause malware to be downloaded. TrickBot infection can also occur, for example, through malicious updates or malware already present on the end device. Once the malware has entered the computer and saved the user's data, one of its main goals is to remain undetected for as long as possible.

How does a TrickBot attack work?
In a TrickBot attack, Windows services and the activities of Windows Defender or other antivirus software are terminated first. Various methods are then used to extend privileges. The administrator rights that they obtain as a result can be used by other add-ons that the malware automatically installs. TrickBot then spies on both the system and the networks and collects data from the user. The information collected by the malware is then transmitted to external devices or the cybercriminals behind the attack.


What are the consequences of the Banking Trojan for the victim and the end device?
The virus "Win 32/TrickBot.AK" causes the data to be stored without the user's consent and spies on the user of the end device. A possible way to access the data would be, for example, to display fake communication fields that are displayed due to malware. TrickBot itself does not store keystrokes or save screenshots. The Trojan can connect to a remote server and belongs to a group of automated malware called botnets. TrickBot does not affect the performance of the laptop or cause it to become unresponsive to commands. But TrickBot may be responsible for a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service). In this case, a large number of targeted requests from a large number of computers will cause a service to be interrupted. Other capabilities of the TrickBot malware include downloading malware to infected computers, self-propagation, and creating attack points for hackers.


How to detect TrickBot and remove banking Trojans
It is necessary to be careful to detect the infection of TrickBot. Possible signs of a malware infection can be, for example, unauthorized attempts to sign in to online accounts. Victims of an attack are sometimes alerted by a change in network infrastructure. A later and extremely serious indicator of a malware infection could also be a bank transfer that was made without your intervention. Malware can disguise itself as a legitimate computer process or an ordinary file. This makes the software almost undetectable, and deleting suspicious-looking files can cause irreparable damage to the computer. Since TrickBot is a data-stealing Trojan, the damage needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Anti-malware products, such as Kaspersky products, are the best way to do this. Both detecting the TrickBot infection and removing the banking Trojan is an extremely time-consuming process.

Credential stuffing and other issues: consequences of the TrickBot attack
As mentioned earlier, TrickBot aims to steal login data and therefore performs what is known as credential stuffing. Credential stuffing is a method used by cybercriminals to take advantage of online accounts. Initially, financial institutions, especially banks, were seen as the primary target of the TrickBot Trojan. Cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to personal accounts by stealing private credentials. This can then be used to make bank transfers, for example. In addition to passwords and usernames, TrickBot has access to the browser's autofill information, as well as its history and stored cookies.

Typical consequences of a TrickBot attack;

Victims of TrickBot attacks often have to deal with typical consequences. On the one hand, their accounts are compromised by cybercriminals. When this happens, hackers often demand a ransom for the release of accounts or files. Finally, ransomware can spread to other files on infected devices.


Fighting TrickBot: How best to protect yourself against an attack?
Use a professional antivirus software or Trojan scanner.

Be careful when checking for spam emails. Avoid opening emails or attachments that look suspicious. Also tell employees that under no circumstances should they consent to the activation of macros.

Software on computers should always be up to date.

Be careful when updating the software.

For software, opt for official providers rather than third-party providers and reject add-on packs when downloading.

Despite numerous precautionary measures, the risk cannot be completely eliminated and your computer may become infected with Trojans. So don't neglect regular data backups.

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