phpBB 3 (autopost bot mod = 0.1.3) Remote File Include Vulnerability

Veteran 7

El Patrón
26 Ara 2011
phpBB 3 (autopost bot mod = 0.1.3) Remote File Include Vulnerability

Bug :[lastrss_ap_enabled]=1&phpbb_root_path=[evil_code]

F i X :

includes/functions_lastrss_autopost.php açın ve 204-240 satırlarının arasını değiştirin..

if($config[’lastrss_ap_enabled’]) <-----{1}
// init & setup lastrss
// $rss can be already initiated by lastRSS agregator mod by SmiX
if(!isset($rss)) <-----{2}
require $phpbb_root_path . ’includes/class_lastrss.’ . $phpEx; <-----{3}
$rss = new lastrss;
// init/change settings for lastrss autopost bot
$rss->cache_time = 0; // not used in this mod
$rss->items_limit = $config[’lastrss_ap_items_limit’]; // default limit of items to post
$rss->type = $config[’lastrss_type’]; // connection type (fopen / curl)

// init lastRSS autopost MOD !
// check if we have some feeds in database to check
$sql = ’SELECT *
WHERE next_check < "’ . time() . ’" AND enabled = "1"’;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// so do we have some feeds to post ?
if(sizeof($row) > 0)
// we are already sure, that at least one feed exists!
$feed = get_next_feed_to_post();

// do we have some feed data ?
if (isset($feed) && (sizeof($feed) > 0))
// we are sure, we have feed info for checking the feed!

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