What is browser?

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19 Tem 2011
Hello TurkHackTeam Family

What is browser? I'm going to tell you about it today.

Google Chrome
Chrome is the browser with the highest scores among the most popular browsers on the HTML5Test site. It is also extremely successful in the WebXPRT 3 comparison.

Although it uses more RAM from other Windows browsers, it's because it's accelerating by preinstalling the content.

Although Google is constantly working on security and feature enhancements, errors may occur, as with all software, so you need to make sure you keep Chrome up to date.

Among the disadvantages of Chrome is that it's not going to be able to do that. include the lack of a built-in VPN, tab editing tool, reading mode, share button, and screenshot tool.

However, Chrome's Android version has functional features in terms of user experience, such as tab groups and dark mode.

Chrome for Mobile; a skilled browser that offers a synchronisation of bookmarks, passwords and settings. It contains audio input when using Google search, as on the desktop, and suggests content that might interest you depending on your browsing process.

Chrome; about: It also has features such as password leak detection and disinted page view that can be used with flags settings.

Mozilla FireFox

Firefox, an open source project of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, stands out for its online privacy defense and the wealth of its existing extensions.

Multi – Has an extension that allows you to view the same site called Account Containers on different user accounts and different tabs. With this extension, you can open a new window or a different browser without having to sign in to your accounts.

Mozilla Firefox's Multi – Account Containers Feature
Firefox for Mobile is full of functionality in features such as synchronization and interface. You can send the tab of a webpage to any device from any device that has been logged into your account. So when you read a webpage from the desktop, you can instantly open the same page on your iPhone.

Sync site saving (Pocket) is built in Firefox. You can save a page for later viewing with the Pocket button in firefox's address bar.

The Reader View button, called The Reader View, is the reader view button; By disconnecting ads promotion, promotion, and videos, it allows you to review a webpage without distraction.

Apple Safari
Safari is a pioneer of Reading Mode, which cleans up ad promotions and videos in the articles you want to read in 2010. This mode was then used by all scanters except Chrome.

Safari "Reading Mode"
Safari has also prevented users from monitoring by adding fingerprint protection.

If you're using an iPhone and Mac, Safari integration makes perfect sense because it allows you to continue your browsing session between devices with Apple's Handoff feature.

Microsoft Edge
Microsoft developers in charge of Windows' default web browser have decided to use Chrome's website creation code, Chromium, in Edge software, as site developers are fed up with problems with targeting Chrome only for compatibility.

Thus, In addition to Edge, Windows 10, Apple began working on macOS and earlier versions of Windows.

In general, site mismatches of the type that the previous version of Edge occasionally encountered have been resolved.

Edge is the only Windows browser on Netflix that allows you to view shows, movies, and shows on 4K, and supports Dolby Digital, such as Safari.

In addition to compatibility, Edge in performance, saving memory and disk usage; has made remarkable improvements.

Another feature of Edge that's worth highlighting is Immersive Reader Mode.

With immersive reader mode, Edge can not only remove distracting ads, but read page text with realist neural sounds and tonings.

Edge has four home page options: Focused (includes search bar and buttons of the sites you visit the most), Inspiring (the everyday option of Amazing Bing photos), Informative (includes customized news, weather, sports and finance cards), and Private.

Previews from Microsoft Edge Browser
Edge's home page options
Also Edge; It has three privacy levels: Basic, Balanced, and Solid, and does not record the history in custom browser mode, as in all browsers.

Synchronisation; It makes it easy to switch from desk to mobile devices for Android and iOS.

It has password management, such as LastPass, so it may be considered more reliable than other browsers.

Edge view
It was announced that it will be added soon; if you can drag sites and images, write notes, and share them with Excel or Word, the name is the property; Collections are .The Collections.

Opera, a pioneer of features such as tabs, CSS and built-in search box, raised concerns that it could be a plan to send data to Beijing when it was acquired by a Chinese investment coalition.

But the company traded on nasdaq reinforces the idea that it is just an investment.

Opera can actually make a larger privacy claim than other browsers because it includes a built-in VPN that is running fast. Although some see Opera's VPN as an encrypted proxy server, the only real difference between the standard VPN and its traffic is that it's not going to be able to do that. Opera's self-protection and redirection rather than any internet-connected application.

VPN-enabled browser " Opera "
Opera uses Chromium, so site incompatibilities are rarely encountered, performance is fast, and takes up far fewer drive space and memory than Chrome. In addition to the VPN, another unique feature of Opera is the built-in ad promotion blocker that blocks scripts and audience (tracking) files called crypto-mining protection. Opera added this feature about a year before Firefox.

Ad blocking means less data will be consumed, especially for those who use mobile plans with limited connectivity or data restrictions.

Also Opera; Speed Dial has unique features such as the new tab page, the quick access bar for frequently needed apps such as WhatsApp, crypto wallet (cryptocurrency wallet) that supports Bitcoin and Tron.


The Opera Touch app lets you connect from mobile devices to your desktop (with quick QR scanning), easily send webpages and notes.

Translator : megat
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